Criticool Patient Cooling and Warming Machine
Therapeutic Hypothermia System
Introducing Criticool® – The Next Generation
Criticool® is very easy to use. All you have to do is connect the wrap, set the target temperature and connect the skin and esophageal / rectal temperature sensors. The Criticool® then automatically starts to cool your patient!
- Criticool® is proven in the market for over five years, yet it uses advanced technology to cool and rewarm.
- Criticool® uses Peltier technology. There is no noisy compressor. No CFC gas. Criticool® is designed for longevity. All parts, including circuit boards are made in-house by Belmont.
- Criticool® is a compact device that uses tap water and is utilised by department protocols run by nursing staff at the patient’s bedside.
Using feedback from the patient’s core and skin temperature sensors, the proprietary control algorithm responds to any temperature change. Following the cooling phase of treatment, Criticool® precisely re-warms your patient to normothermia at between 0.1 and 0.5 degrees Celsius per hour, depending on your protocol.
Criticool® Features:
- High heat exchange by 3-dimensional surface coverage
- Precise control of patient core temperature
- Controlled and gradual
- Adult, Paediatric, and Neonatal wraps, priced to allow everyday use!
- Criticool® is the optimal solution for early initial cooling therapy within minutes of patient arrival.
Please Note: Belmont advises that only Belmont consumables be used with the Criticool.
Criticool Cooling Machine Therapeutic Hypothermia SystemDownload Criticool Brochure | Criticool Instructions |
For more information and pricing on the Criticool® Cooling and Warming Machine please call us on 07 3166 9769 or 0410 537 746.
Features: Criticool, Cooling Machine, Warming Machine, Transport (floor) Criticool Fixation Kit for ambulance, helicopter and aircraft.